FootFocus Podiatry

At FootFocus Podiatry we understand the importance of movement. Being active, setting fitness goals or being involved in sport on a social or high level is a big part of the Kiwi lifestyle. Our feet and lower limbs are exposed to a lot of the injuries and pressure that can be associated with this.

We treat all sports-related or overuse injuries and concerns of the feet and lower limbs. We cover all ages from children to the active older person, the serious athlete to the weekend warrior and are focused on working with you to achieve your goals.

About Wendy

Entering the profession over 27 years ago, Wendy has worked extensively in the areas of sports injury and lifestyle foot care areas. She has completed a Sports Podiatry qualification through Podiatry NZ and has gained a greater understanding in areas of rehab and Biomechanics. She is particularly interested in rehabilitation, improving foot function and post-surgical cases, as well as sports injuries in adults and children.

Getting people back on their feet is a primary focus. As an active sports person, she understands the desire to continue with activity throughout injury and her treatments are shaped around keeping active while rehabilitating.

Wendy has 3 children who are all active in various sports including Netball, Hockey, running and swimming. She enjoys swimming, cycling and mountain biking.

Wendy Salmon BHSc.Pod., PgCertSp&Ex, M.Sports.Pod.NZ

Sports Podiatry

Wendy is qualified as a Sports Podiatrist through the Podiatry NZ Sports programme. The clinics are ACC accredited and are ACC registered for Orthotic services. She is currently doing further study in the area of Paediatrics.

Sports Podiatry NZ ACC Podiatry NZ Podiatry Board Diabetes NZ Diabetes Youth NZ